Saturday, 28 March 2009

Work in Progress...

The weather's been wet and windy today so as there has been no chance of getting in the garden, out for a walk or out on the motorbike, it's been a beading day (well of sorts). No proper beading, but a bit of sorting and I've spent a good few hours writing up instructions.

I'm not terribly disciplined when it comes to writing and drawing diagrams for designs as I'm easily distracted, so tend to break it down to 2-3 hour sessions. Unfortunately, this means I tend to lose where I am between sessions and some re-capping is always involved, but this time my breaks have only been a few days so I've got on reasonably well. I've still a way to go for the 2 designs I'm working on, but at least things are starting to gel.

I've also taken a picture of some work in progress - this is my "thoughtless" piece, something I can pick up and put down without losing where I am; it's also good to have on hand when I have beader's block or no time to sort beads for a new project. This is a terracotta pot about 3inches tall that I've pained and started to cover with beads (size 11 seeds working peyote). Eventually I hope to attach woven flowers, leaves and other bits and bobs, so hopefully in a few months time a finished piece might just be on the blog!

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