Friday, 27 March 2009

Bead Fair

Living "oop North" means that events are sometimes thin on the ground, so when the Harrogate Bead Fair comes around, it's an event not to be missed (that said, I missed the one in autumn 2008!). So this Sunday I shall be trekking to the fair with list in hand, cash in purse (not for long) and credit card polished and ready.

Top of my list is Fireline thread. I love KO, but do worry about using it with Swarovski crystals so have to bit the bullet and blow the extra cost, just for peace of mind that comes with Fireline. The other must haves is a re-stock of size 15s - I've gone through these like a dose of salts over the past few months and would love to find some new colours.

After that, everthing I buy will be pure impulse - the best way to shop for beads! Hopefully there will be some new beads or findings to inspire and there will always be a new Swarovski colour I simply must have...

1 comment:

  1. Ooh have fun, I love going to bead fairs! My bank account is not so keen, lol! Hope you show us your new pretties!
