Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Bead and Button Project

Yeaaaaah! I've just heard from Bead & Button that they like my latest design submission and will be publishing it! It's always a buzz to get news like this.

I should also get a proof copy very soon of the latest design I have in the pipeline with them and can't wait to see it - I think it's scheduled for the August issue, but magazines always work so far in front (the deadline for submission was February for August publication) and it seems a lifetime ago I sent everything in.

Now the hard work really starts - getting the instructions written...still, it's definitely worth it.

And what is the design? - well, you'll just have to wait and see 'cause I'm keeping it under wraps for now!


  1. That's fantastic news, well done! can't wait to see your designs in the mag.

  2. Thanks Sarah - I can't wait to see them either! The writing's mostly done, but it's the diagrams that take an age to get right - I'll have to be very disciplined and knuckle down!
